The Law of Attraction is a theory which says that we can attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on.

The universe is inlaid with various mysteries and unanswered questions. Questions such as, what gives us life? Why do living organisms behave the way they do? What tells living organisms to do that? How does a baby know that it has to suckle for drawing milk? How do we have that pre-fed knowledge within us? Where does it come from?
It is believed that this universe runs on a set of laws– a few of which are measureable and some which cannot be measured. If you have observed the world around you, you must have noticed that there is a pattern to life. Everything which begins, if nourished well under the right conditions, flourishes.
Human Beings are wired to grow, physically, mentally and emotionally. They live happily as long as some part in them is growing.
Law of Attraction affects this growth.
Now how does this work exactly?
The “Psyche” or “Aura” is not a very well-studied, but well accepted concept in science. We know that every person carries “Aura” around. The way he walks, the kind of air he exudes, what he makes us feel, altogether makes up this aura.
Some people exude a negative aura and we feel an air of negativity around them. We usually try to avoid such people as we know that their negativity seeps into us too and we end up having two negative people now instead of just one and we know that negativity never leads to any sort of growth.
Nikola Tesla, the famous Serbian-American inventor, believed that the universe works on different kinds of vibrational frequencies. Everything, even the emotions that exist within us possess vibrations. And it has the capability to affect things around us….sort of like Magic!
I believe that this universe works on a vibration of “Growth”. When we feel negative, we don’t grow. We actually sort of shrink or wither and therefore when we give out these vibrations into a universe running on a frequency of growth, we sort of end up creating a “conflict” or a “clash” of vibrations.
Eventually, the universe tries to find ways to balance the frequency by discarding us-the negative vibrational beings- by giving us maybe diseases like depression or anxiety or maybe high blood pressure or thyroid, basically affecting us in different ways until we learn to get in sync with the rest of the universe.
One very prominent example in which this is showcased is the placebo effect. We have seen people become healed of their ailments by consuming ‘placebo’ medicines. That is those medicines which do not contain any actual healing properties, but are still prescribed by the doctor to the person on the pretext of it being a “miracle drug.” When people ‘believed’ that what they were consuming was beneficial to them, the ‘manifested’ their wellness into their lives all by the power of their mind.
In short, they gave out a frequency of ‘believing themselves to be well’ into the universe, and they received it. Being negative and /or being not in ‘sync’ with the universe’s vibrations tend to create more of negativity happening in our life. On parallel lines, being positive, brings us more of positivity. Focusing on things that make us happy or help us grow, brings more growth and happiness into our lives.
This explains “happy go lucky” in a whole different perspective, doesn’t it?
I know that this is a concept difficult to digest to the rational mind. And even though I am a logician, I still believe that this world is filled mysteries which we cannot yet fully understand or explain but we can still make things work for us. So why don’t we go ahead and give this a try?
Hope you have a wonderful day ahead!
Nidhi Devidasan,
WOW Factors