The English word, “Counsellor” was first used in 13 century and it has roots in the French expression “consigliere.” Its…

How should I give a Self-introduction in my School Assembly?
The word “Assembly” means “a…

Reading makes me sleepy, how can I improve my reading skills?
There are several reasons as…

The Importance of Maintaining Corporate Relationships for Leaders
Relationship building and effective leadership…
After important milestones in education each one of us faces this question ‘what next’ after class 10th, after class 12th and after graduation. Whenever…
Life is said to be the best teacher anyone can have because what it teaches are all “practicals” and not…
The word “Assembly” means “a group of people gathered in one place for a common purpose.” Therefore ‘assembly’ is not…
Life is said to be the best teacher anyone can have because what it teaches are all “practicals” and not…
It is our ability “to be useful” that makes us “sustain” and “wanted” in this world. If one is useful,…
Yoga and Meditation The Sanskrit word “Yuj” is the root from where the expression, “Yoga” was originated. “Yuj” literally means,…
“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough,” We know that these words came from Albert Einstein. ‘Understanding’…
The Law of Attraction is a theory which says that we can attract into our lives whatever we are focusing…